Your free initial consultation

It is your opportunity to find out more about the services I offer and decide if working with Me is right for you.  During the initial consultation I like to talk with you about three key points:

  1. A brief overview of who you are, your background, and your current circumstances.
  2. If you know what it is you would like, for example, are you looking for something long- or short-term?
  3. Based on the information that you provide, I suggest a suitable coaching or support plan.  However, ultimately, you decide whether or not this what you want.

You are under no obligation to sign up for coaching after your initial consultation.  If you are unsure, take the time to think it through and get in touch if you have any questions. 

  • All services will have transparent fees set in advance of your coaching or support package beginning.  
  • There are never any hidden costs.
  • All coaching and support packages require payment via bank transfer in advance of them commencing. 
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